I knew it would happen, I just wasn't ready for it. The day that my oldest son pulled away from my attempted motherly embrace in public, followed by the stiff arm and stink eye in my direction. Then, my heart sank even further when he called me "MOM", not "Mommy". I knew that we had turned that fateful pre-teen corner in our relationship. It was a sad day. Mind you, at home he returns my hugs and "Mommy" is still the preferred title for me, but I now understand the boundaries. So with Valentine's Day coming up, I wanted to make some cookies just for my growing-up oldest. I needed to avoid this nightmarish scene: he pulls out the lovingly decorated pink heart sugar cookie from his lunchbox and the students at his lunch table chime in with "Awwww, your mommy loves you" said in the most childish voice that they could muster. That would not be good.
So let me get the mushy stuff out of the way. I made these cookies for my husband (although my children will probably eat most of them) because I am, well, nuts about him. The typical Valentines hearts and flowers just doesn't "fit" our relationship. We are two crazy kids (err. .thirty-somethings) that were college sweethearts. Our offspring think we're whack-o when we crank up Young MC's "Bust a Move" and rap every word. Loudly. Some think we're bonkers because Mike encouraged me to quit my job to create cookies every day.
Yup- I am crazy about him, and our nutty ways. Which is why I made him some cookie nuts. And some cookie squirrels too. Because nothing says "Happy Valentine's Day" like some squirrels and their nuts. At least it does in my house. The East Coast is under attack from a phenomenon called the Polar Vortex. This air mass, usually in place in the Arctic, has decided to migrate south for a day or two. Sort of like a little mini vacation. So here in Maryland, we're expected to dive into single digit temperatures, with wind gusts over 30mph, resulting in below-zero wind chills. Schools are closing, people are putting extra blankets on their beds, buying extra toilet paper and so on. I can just imagine the mocking conversations in Russia over the clinking of vodka glasses-"they don't know what cold really feels like!".
In addition to the cold temps, the Vortex has brought something else from the Arctic- PENGUINS! So what can you do on a extra cold winter's day? Bake sweets, of course! And these penguins are dressed for the weather! |
AuthorI'm Amy. Wife, Mom, former science teacher- and now full time cookie baker on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Pull up a chair and we'll create! I'll bring the coffee- maybe Mike (The Cookie Widower) will make it for us. Categories
May 2021